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IPAD Advanced Master’s® degree

The UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems has labeled and is closely involved in the Innovations and Policies for Sustainable Food (IPAD) Advanced Master’s program offered by l’Institut Agro Montpellier and CIRAD.

Building alternative food systems and ensuring global food security will be crucial challenges in coming decades. Many public and private actors, in countries of the North and South, are mobilizing to develop sustainable agricultural and agrifood systems. These systems must guarantee that everyone has access to adequate quantities of quality food and contribute to health. They also must minimize their ecological footprint, reduce waste, ensure fair pay within sectors and generate jobs.

The objective of the training is to give future graduates the means to participate in strengthening the sustainability of agricultural and agrifood production systems in France, Europe and internationally. The course trains senior managers to be able to analyse the crisis of the global food system and its determinants, identify and evaluate emerging alternative solutions, and support the most relevant innovations.

The Advanced Master’s® degree, Innovations and Policies for Sustainable Food (IPAD), is open to candidates who hold a Bac+5 degree (equivalent to a master’s), or a Bac+3 (equivalent to a bachelor’s) with 3 years of professional experience. Graduates are awarded a Bac+6 degree.

Each year, IPAD participants organize an “Innovation for Sustainable Food Day” (known in French as JIPAD), which presents and analyses innovations, either already developed or still in the concept stage, that may play a role in strengthening the sustainability of food systems.

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, JIPAD 2019

, JIPAD 2018

, JIPAD 2017

, JIPAD 2016

, JIPAD 2015